First post : Photoshop flaming text tutorial

hmm so as i said , my life consists of mainly Photoshop , Java  , Hacking and music . this post is about what is the most abundant in my life , i.e , Photoshop .

So this is a Photoshop tutorial for creating a cool flaming text effect 

so first of all create a new document , whatever size you want . personally , i prefer 1360 x 768 

so let me get this step by step :-

1) get a black background

2) write whatever u wanna write in any font u like

3) layer -> rasterize -> type

4) layer -> merge down

5) image -> image rotation -> 90º CW

6) filter -> wind 
                 select wind , from the left .

7) crtl+f to apply the same filter 1/2/34/5 times again depending upon the font size

8) image -> image rotation -> 90º CCW

9) filter -> liquify
                select the forward warp tool (the first one from the top)
                brush size = 100
                brush density = 50
                brush pressure = 70
                make the pointy ends curled and flaming
                click ok when u r done

10) image -> mode -> grayscale (don't bother about the confirmation message , just press discard)

11) image -> mode -> indexed color

12) image -> mode -> color table
                set black body as the table
                click ok 

13) image -> mode -> RGB color

so we are more or less done here . for a sample , here's one i made :-

Flamin' NRG

and yeah , what if u wanna make flames of some different colours ?

here's what you do:-

14) image -> adjustment -> Hue/saturation
                 it's pretty self-explanatory , just slide the sliders . 
                 and yeah , if you select colorize , then dont forget to set the saturation to 100
                 click ok (duh !)

a sample of a coloured flaming design :-

Green flamin' NRG


so that's it thank you for visiting my blog , please visit again !

have a good day !

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